
Say It Like You Mean It: Finding and Expressing Gratitude in the Workplace

In this unprecedented year of chaos, it might be hard to find gratitude in your everyday life. For many of us, we’re experiencing a new “normal” both at home and in the workplace. Perhaps your workload is heavier, perhaps it has been lightened. Perhaps you’ve had to adapt to working from home, or perhaps you sit alone in a half empty office building. Mask wearing, social distancing, no more hugs or high fives, can all contribute to a feeling of isolation. And with fewer personal interactions, it can be especially difficult to express gratitude. But now is the time to find little victories and celebrate them — especially at work. 

Some managers struggle with giving praise under normal circumstances, but with the added stress of our current state, a little “atta-boy” can go a long way. Expressing gratitude can be a positive tool to help your team remain engaged and productive, and it can help boost your natural endorphins as well, making it a win-win for everyone. 

Make the most of your praise

While a simple, “Thank you” is appreciated, it can sound routine or disingenuous. Make the most of your praise by following these simple tips: 

  1. Be specific. “Great job, Joan!” doesn’t tell Joan anything about what she did that you liked. When you give specific praise, it forces you to take notice of the little things that made a situation better and it sounds more genuine.  
  2. Praise in a timely manner. Whenever possible, compliment an employee right after they’ve performed the desired behavior. 
  3. Praise new employees frequently. Look for opportunities to praise them and reassure them they’re doing well. 
  4. Be creative. This might be the hardest one for most of us, but if your compliment stands out, it will have a lasting impact. Some ideas include
    1. Send a personal thank you note in the mail. 
    2. Catch someone doing well and inform them that it’s going in their personnel file.
    3. Use humor like GIFs or memes, just remember to include a specific message with your appreciation. 
    4. Say it with a delivery. If your staff isn’t able to meet in person, sending a pizza or cookie delivery directly to exceptional employees is a great way to express your gratitude. 

When you consistently demonstrate appreciation for your employees’ hard work, you build trust and confidence in them. For many of us, work has changed, but the need for approval and appreciation remains. It’s important to take the time to let those around you know that you recognize their dedication and appreciate a job well done. 

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By: Karleigh Deeds

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Karleigh Deeds has been working as a consultant since graduating from Boise State University in 2005. She has a wide range of talents with a specific focus on leadership and marketing.

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